Oils and Dry Hair: Why and How

The nature of hair varies from person to another, some people have greasy hair, some have normal hair, and some have dry hair. This difference is due to the different scalp and its production of substances and oils that determine the nature of the hair. The hair itself does not produce any of these substances.


Hair dryness might be developed through different ways and mechanisms:

1. The scalp does not release sufficient amounts of oil to moisturize the hair. That can happen with age as the skin secretions decrease in general and dryness occurs in the scalp leading to skin peeling and the occurrence of dandruff.

2. Hair does not retain its moisture which makes it dry. The hair is surrounded by a layer called hair sheath that protects it from sun damage and other factors that preserve the moisture of the hair.


Many factors and reasons may contribute to hair dryness:

Mostly related to the surrounding environmental conditions and hair care routines, in addition to the general health of the body.

  1. Hair exposure to direct sunlight or wind for a long period of the day.
  2. Live in hot and dry areas.
  3. Swimming in pools that contain chlorine.
  4. Excessive washing of hair or repetition in washing it.
  5. Use powerful hair preparations like dye or hair styling products.
  6. Use electrical appliances to curl or straighten the hair.

Dry hair can be associated with illnesses such as anorexia, hypothyroidism, or diet.


Dry Hair Treatments

Dry hair can be treated variously based on preferences and conditions. Staying away from certain habits and making sure that dry hair is not associated with health problems is also important.

  • Do not over-wash the hair.
  • Use a hair moisturizer (conditioner) during and after bathing.
  • Make sure to match your shampoo and conditioner with your hair type.
  • Stop treating hair with harsh chemicals such as dyes.
  • Stay away from using electrical appliances excessively to straighten or curling the hair.

Washing your hair excessively and on a daily basis may lead to stripping the  hair from its natural oils, which leads to hair dryness. It is recommended to wash your hair 2-3 times a week. In addition, reduce the use of hair dryers, softeners and curls which may cause hair dryness.

It is also recommended to stay away from alcohol-containing products and shampoos because they lead to dehydration.

If you live in hot areas and are exposed to strong sunlight, you should protect your hair from the sun. You should also protect your hair from the effects of chlorine in pools and salts in sea waters by wearing the swimming cap during swimming.

Moisturizing Hair with Natural Oils.

When dry hair is caused by environmental factors or excessive use of electric tools, natural oils are optimal ingredients for revitalizing the hair.


  • Argan Oil

It is commonly used to promote hair growth  and can be used to treat dry hair. Its effects are due to its fatty acids and vitamin E, which helps protect and moisturize the hair, nourish and  reduce damage to the hair.
Argan oil is added to hair care products but can be used as well to make a homemade hair mask.

  • Coconut oil

Rich in omega-3 oils, fatty acids, vitamin E  and proteins that strengthen and moisturize hair.

  • Avocado oil

Rich in minerals, fats and antioxidants that nourish the scalp, strengthen the hair and protect it from external factors.

  • Almond oil

Rich in omega-9 fatty acids that increase the shine of the hair and stimulate its growth. Almond oil is also rich in proteins and vitamin E that strengthen hair and prevent breakage in addition to softening the hair.

  • Jojoba oil

It is rich in minerals such as zinc, copper, and many vitamins, and it is commonly used as a carrier oil (to be mixed with other oils and ingredients).

  • Olive oil

Has special characteristics due to its vitamin E, fatty acids, and other moisturizing agents such as squalene and oleic acid, which help make your hair softer and healthier.


- Before using any of  these oils, make sure that the skin is not allergic to them and consult your physician in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

- When using essential oils, they should be diluted with carrier oils to prevent skin irritation and dermatitis.

-  Finally, if dry hair is accompanied by general weakness in the body and fatigue, consult your doctor to check for any health conditions.

Jamila Products with Argan Oil

The following products were carefully selected by Jamila's team of experts. Those products contain Argan oil and its active ingredients as in a finalized form ready to use, so need need for further dilution or any other modification.

Argan Oil Shampoo (Normal, Oily, and especially Dry Hair)

$ 21.50 USD

Description Argan Oil helps your dry hair regaining its strength while protecting it from external environmental factors. The effective concentration of vitamin E formulated into the Argan Oil shampoo serves as powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E helps nourishing your dry hair roots and revitalizing them by accelerating blood circulation. This balanced combination of Argan Oil and Vitamin E promotes a healthier hair by a moisturizing and deep nourishing mechanisms that revitalizes dry and weak hair ...

Argan Oil Hair Serum (Dry, Normal, and Oily Hair)

$ 18.00 USD

Description Argan oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to its nutritive effects. Argan oil has strong prevention effects against hair shedding and dandruff formation. Using Argan Oil Hair Serum by Lacinia Cosmetics ensures that your hair will be easier to comb and shape, and less need to use hair drier. On a clean and dry hair (after washing and drying), apply adequate drops on the hair by your palm, then apply gentle massage thoroughly based on your hair length and thickness. Le ...

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